Telecom Equipment Detection with Azure Custom Vision (Free) - Part 2


Francisco Mussari


October 15, 2022

Part 2. Label images with Smart Labeler


In this series of posts we are going to follow along the process and code required to train an object detection model using Azure Custom Vision (in its free tier).

-> We are going to use real world pictures compiled from work I have done over the years in Venezuela. In this kind of supervised learning problem we need tagged images. So we will use Smart Labeler to do that.

After the model is published in Azure service, we can use the API to build and share a demo with Gradio and Huggingface.

Here is the one that is already published for you to try:

The model will be trained to detect the following objects:

  • Grid Antenna
  • Panel antenna
  • Radome antenna
  • RRU
  • Shroud antenna
  • Solid antenna
1 2 2
Grid Panel Radome
1 1 1
RRU Shroud Solid

Tutorial Parts

  • Part 1 covered:
  • Part 2:
    • Analyzing what happens to the images after uploading.
    • How to label the images using Smart Labeler
    • Training and testing the model.
  • Part 3 will cover:
    • Create a Huggingface Gradio Demo.


Part 2.1. Labeling the Images

Smart Labeler is a simple tool for labeling images. It can be used for classification and object detection problems. When working in this problem I missed the ability to zoom-in when labeling some small objects, but as I said, this is a straightforward tool.

For speeding up bigger projects it might be usefull that you can first label some pictures, then train and get suggestions for the untagged images, but I didn’t use it. By default the labeler tries to give suggestions even without that first training.

The process is simple and you can the use the annotation to train models outside the service (as we are going to try after this series, hopefully, using fastai).

Install and import libraries

We need to install Custom Vision’s Python SDK and python-dotenv:
! pip install azure-cognitiveservices-vision-customvision==3.1.0
! pip install python-dotenv

from import CustomVisionTrainingClient
from import ImageFileCreateBatch, ImageFileCreateEntry, Region, ImageRegionCreateEntry
from msrest.authentication import ApiKeyCredentials
import time
import json
import os

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from dotenv import load_dotenv
from pathlib import Path

from PIL import Image, ImageOps
from PIL import UnidentifiedImageError

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import patches, patheffects

Credentials and services

DOTENV_PATH = './.env'
training_endpoint = os.getenv('TrainingEndpoint')
training_key = os.getenv('TrainingKey')
project_id = os.getenv('ProjectID')

credentials = ApiKeyCredentials(in_headers={"Training-key": training_key})
training_client = CustomVisionTrainingClient(training_endpoint, credentials)
custom_vision_project = training_client.get_project(project_id)

Creating Labels

Since I already did the manual tagging, we can use those tags in this new project.
First we need to create the labels/tags in the service: - CustomVisionTrainingClient.create_tag()

tags = ['Grid', 'Panel', 'Radome', 'RRU', 'Shroud', 'Solid']
desc = ['Grid Antenna', 'Panel Cel. Antenna', 'Radome Antenna', 
        'RRU Equipment', 'Shroud Antenna', 'Solid Antenna']
service_tags = []
for i, tag in enumerate(tags):
            project_id=project_id, name=tag,

Now we can see this in the service:

service_tags = training_client.get_tags(project_id=project_id)
service_tag_ids = { for tag in service_tags}
{'RRU': '91ffb5b0-fe25-4d72-9c65-14793183a3b9',
 'Shroud': '4e413c15-141a-419b-a958-1485008b2904',
 'Solid': '3f13d9b0-7b4d-4679-8fb8-7855cea0a118',
 'Radome': 'a1020654-79c5-4d8a-867c-93dfb2a4a81d',
 'Grid': 'e016b6a4-49e6-4897-a0c7-d8fc64d032f1',
 'Panel': 'c9b15b62-6823-44a4-8fee-fa9d84e65a7e'}

Upload Regions from json file

As I pointed before, you can create all the regions with Smart Labeler. Since I did that already in a previos project, I updated the region’s image ids and tags to the ones in this project and save them as a json.

We can see from the documentation that “There is a limit of 64 entries in a batch.”

with open("20221016_CreateImageRegions_Body.json") as json_file:
    regions_dict = json.load(json_file)

print(f'We have a total of {len(regions_dict["regions"]):_} regions.')
print('The first two regions:')
We have a total of 1_279 regions.

The first two regions:
[{'imageId': '6e274dfc-411a-4bf3-9151-51b96f662248',
  'tagId': '91ffb5b0-fe25-4d72-9c65-14793183a3b9',
  'left': 0.6395582,
  'top': 0.0,
  'width': 0.10740108,
  'height': 0.14776269},
 {'imageId': '6e274dfc-411a-4bf3-9151-51b96f662248',
  'tagId': 'c9b15b62-6823-44a4-8fee-fa9d84e65a7e',
  'left': 0.772766,
  'top': 0.16059849,
  'width': 0.22664931,
  'height': 0.40633526}]
# Create batches of 60 regions

regions = regions_dict['regions']

for i in range(int(1_279 / 60)+1):
    batch_regions = []
    print(f'Creating Regions {i*60+1:>{5}_} to {min((i+1)*60, 1_279):>{5}_}')
    for region in regions[i*60: (i+1)*60]:
                left=region['left'], top=region['top'],
                width=region['width'], height=region['height']

Creating Regions     1 to    60
Creating Regions    61 to   120
Creating Regions   121 to   180
Creating Regions   181 to   240
Creating Regions   241 to   300
Creating Regions   301 to   360
Creating Regions   361 to   420
Creating Regions   421 to   480
Creating Regions   481 to   540
Creating Regions   541 to   600
Creating Regions   601 to   660
Creating Regions   661 to   720
Creating Regions   721 to   780
Creating Regions   781 to   840
Creating Regions   841 to   900
Creating Regions   901 to   960
Creating Regions   961 to 1_020
Creating Regions 1_021 to 1_080
Creating Regions 1_081 to 1_140
Creating Regions 1_141 to 1_200
Creating Regions 1_201 to 1_260
Creating Regions 1_261 to 1_279

Example image, capture from the service:

Verifying the number of created Regions

all_tagged_images = training_client.get_images(
    take=250   # Max 256
i = 0
for im in all_tagged_images: i += len(im.regions)
print(f"Number of created Regions: {i:_}")
Number of created Regions: 1_279

Draw some regions

images_df = pd.read_csv('20221015_203_Images_Uploaded_WxH.csv')
images_df.index = images_df.image_id
image_name image_id image_status ori_w ori_h train_w train_h
452a0b58-0dc5-41ff-83d1-8d1ae7bd5d1c 41.JPG 452a0b58-0dc5-41ff-83d1-8d1ae7bd5d1c OK 640 480 640 480
96b7774e-f5ad-4591-aa71-99ad5c71135e CIMG0030.JPG 96b7774e-f5ad-4591-aa71-99ad5c71135e OK 1620 2160 900 1200
3027bc7e-6e21-4b13-a7d7-bb7e08ce6824 CIMG0031.JPG 3027bc7e-6e21-4b13-a7d7-bb7e08ce6824 OK 1620 2160 900 1200
1320ab2e-3405-4853-bd7e-b0ef0f915d4b CIMG0056.JPG 1320ab2e-3405-4853-bd7e-b0ef0f915d4b OK 2160 1620 1200 900
aa67eceb-3db0-4026-bf16-0842c006e6ac CIMG0059.JPG aa67eceb-3db0-4026-bf16-0842c006e6ac OK 2160 1620 1200 900

Create a dictionary to easily access all regions from an image id:

img2ann = dict()

for image in all_tagged_images:
    img2ann[] = tuple([list(), list()])
    image_w = image.width; image_h = image.height
    ori_w = images_df.loc[].ori_w
    ori_h = images_df.loc[].ori_h
    for region in image.regions:
pics_folder = Path('./train_images')
def show_img(im, figsize=None, ax=None):
    if not ax: fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=figsize)
    return ax

def draw_outline(o, lw):
        linewidth=lw, foreground='black'), patheffects.Normal()

def draw_rect(ax, b):
    patch = ax.add_patch(
        patches.Rectangle(b[:2], *b[-2:], fill=False, edgecolor='white', lw=1)
    draw_outline(patch, 4)

def draw_text(ax, xy, txt, sz=14):
    text = ax.text(*xy, txt,
        verticalalignment='top', color='white', fontsize=sz, weight='bold')
    draw_outline(text, 1)
def draw_regions(index=0):
    im = pics_folder / images_df.iloc[index].image_name )
    ax = show_img(im, figsize=(8,8))

    reg, lab = img2ann[images_df.iloc[index].image_id]
    for idx, region in enumerate(reg):
        draw_rect(ax, np.array(region))
        tag = lab[idx]
        draw_text(ax, region[:2], tag)
[[329.19859199999996, 205.3586496, 53.42696959999999, 114.2365248], [249.3986112, 264.75866399999995, 112.4269696, 85.23652799999999]]

A dragon-fly was cought in that picture!


Part 2.2. Train and Test a Model

Train the model

train_iteration = training_client.train_project(
{'id': 'd0006e20-33dd-4806-9fe9-cfc3fca82552',
 'name': 'Iteration 1',
 'status': 'Training',
 'created': '2022-10-12T13:34:38.120Z',
 'last_modified': '2022-10-22T14:56:30.406Z',
 'project_id': 'f6cb4ba7-5bbe-46a4-8836-69654dc86f3a',
 'exportable': False,
 'training_type': 'Regular',
 'reserved_budget_in_hours': 0,
 'training_time_in_minutes': 0}
performance = training_client.get_iteration_performance(

for tag in performance['per_tag_performance']:
    print('tag:', tag['name'])
    print('image count:', training_client.get_tag(
        project_id=project_id, tag_id=service_tags[tag['name']]
    print('recall:', tag['recall'])
    print('average_precision:', tag['average_precision'])
tag: Shroud
image count: 140
recall: 0.35789475
average_precision: 0.7280897
tag: Panel
image count: 68
recall: 0.11392405
average_precision: 0.3710658
tag: Solid
image count: 88
recall: 0.21428572
average_precision: 0.4641156
tag: Grid
image count: 80
recall: 0.10526316
average_precision: 0.3784035
tag: Radome
image count: 20
recall: 0.0
average_precision: 0.051538005
tag: RRU
image count: 32
recall: 0.13043478
average_precision: 0.48053658

Some things that I would take into account now that negatively impact the model performance: - I choose many images with small boxes. - Some tags are not represented equally, so we ended an unbalanced distribution. - And of course lets remember we only did a quick train.

This is a very good thread on some tips and tricks to improve object detection:

Test the model (Quick Test)

Quick test allows to test the model without publishing a prediction API.

# Load image and get height, width and channels
image_file = Path("./test_images/las-palmas-at-60-(20).jpg")
image =
h, w, ch = np.array(image).shape
show_img(image, figsize=(8,8));

# Detect objects in the test image
print('Detecting objects in', image_file)

with open(image_file, mode="rb") as image_data:
    results = training_client.quick_test_image(
Detecting objects in test_images/las-palmas-at-60-(20).jpg
def get_reg_lab(results):
    reg = []; lab = []
    for prediction in results.predictions:
        # Only show objects with a > 50% probability
        if (prediction.probability*100) > 50:
            left = prediction.bounding_box.left * w
            top = * h
            height = prediction.bounding_box.height * h
            width =  prediction.bounding_box.width * w
            reg.append([left, top, width, height])
    return reg, lab
def draw_regions(image):
    ax = show_img(image, figsize=(8,8))
    reg, lab = get_reg_lab(results)
    for idx, region in enumerate(reg):
        draw_rect(ax, np.array(region))
        tag = lab[idx]
        draw_text(ax, region[:2], tag)

As you can see, it didn’t detect some antennas. But taking into account we did a regular training and the limitations mentioned in the training data, it is impressive that it got some right in such a complex problem as object detection.

image_file = Path("./test_images/DSC09399.jpg")
image =
h, w, ch = np.array(image).shape
show_img(image, figsize=(8,8));


Not a good job in this one. But this result is with a “regular” training (quick).
You can see in the Gradio demo Telecom Object Detection with Azure Custom Vision that the model trained for 1 hour (free tier limit) does a better job with this picture.



  • Object detection is a complex problem. The fact that the service does a reasonable good job with unbalanced training photos and with such a limited training time talks about the great margin for improvement.